Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wolfenstein: The New Order Review

   What's up everyone? Just to give whoever may be reading this a quick rundown of how I'm going to be doing reviews from now on; I've decided to make them a lot shorter and to the point. That way you can take a couple minutes out of your day to read the review and decide whether or not this piece of entertainment is for you. Thanks for reading, and I hope you find this and all future reviews informative and helpful!

So, Wolfenstein: The New Order. This is a game I've been skeptical of for quite some time now. Believe it or not, I'm a big fan of the 2009 release of Wolfenstein by developer Raven Software. I thought it introduced a lot of cool things that made the game consistently fresh and the combat fun. It wasn't a perfect game by any means, but I did have a really good time with it, and I still do to this day. That being said, I wasn't expecting a revolutionary shooter from this new installment, but a game that I could have some good fun with; and that's exactly what I got. Wolfenstein: The New Order is a blast to play. The Combat is brutal and fun, and all the weapons have a great sense of power and kick to them. However, it wasn't only the combat that impressed me with this game. The story and characters are actually very well written and the game has exceptional production values in the form of awesome visuals, audio, and variety in level design. Wolfenstein has all the traits of a fun AAA shooter, but there are some problems that hold it back from greatness. Some of the first person cutscenes feel rushed and poorly integrated, while others are fluid and masterfully handled. There can be some rough texture pop-in at times, and the enemy AI is hit or miss. Not to mention the lack of any type of multiplayer modes. Don't get me wrong, I'm the type of gamer that will take a wonderfully crafted single player campaign over sub par, tacked on multiplayer any day, but the sixty dollar asking price is a bit much for a campaign that only lasts around ten to twelve hours. I know they appear in almost every shooter nowadays, but a co-op horde mode that you could play with friends would have been a blast. All the negativity aside, The New Order is a great shooter that offers a lot of fun and satisfying ways to play it's single player campaign. The option to be stealthy or go in guns blazing often presents itself, and unlockable perks make the combat consistently satisfying. There are also alternate game modes that can be unlocked by finding and solving collectibles hidden throughout the levels, however they all still remain single player. This shooter has a lot of heart and shows first hand that the genre can still do a lot of fun and interesting things. If you're a fan of shooters, this game is for you. 

+ Consistently Satisfying Combat
+ Well Written Characters and Story
+ Great Visuals and Sound

- Could use a little more polish in some parts
- The Enemy AI is hit or miss
- Lack of any type of co-op or competitive multiplayer 
